is a scientifically validated instrument for measuring the most important motivators and demotivators.


Analysis of individual motivators and demotivators

People’s personal values determine their motivation. Values are used as evaluation criteria for decisions, behaviour and influence work motivation. We are able to measure them through an internet based questionnaire which reflects common work situations.

my_motivation Report

Personalised results

You will receive a personalised report on your personal values and their influence on perception, decision making and work motivation. It will contain practical advice to help you work successfully and with more motivation.

Wissenschaftlich fundiert

Scientifically Grounded

The instrument was developed under scientific conditions and is validated by current standards. To ensure consistent quality, we employ experts from the fields of business psychology, psychometrics and leadership to continuously assess and improve it.

Wissenschaftlich fundiert

Proven in Use

The instrument has been deployed successfully in many applications in different business sectors and countries. We are constantly optimising it on the basis of customer feedback and technological advances for the use in practice. Our main focus is to provide helpful answers to your questions.


Confidentiality and Data Privacy

Data Privacy and the confidential handling of your data is our highest priority. The data is saved on servers in Germany, is exclusively transferred via SSL-encrypted connections and is never given to unauthorised third parties. Collected data may however be used in an anonymised form for scientific analysis.

Would you like to learn more?

Get in touch! We‘ll be happy to advise you.